产品名称: pET-32c(+)质粒载体图谱序列抗性
英文名称: pET-32c(+)质粒载体图谱序列抗性说明书
产品编号: 1263346787
产品价格: 0
产品产地: Biovector Inc. USA
品牌商标: Biovector中国质粒载体菌株细胞
更新时间: null
使用范围: null
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出品公司:别名:质粒类型:表达水平:克隆方法:载体大小:5 测序引物:5 测序引物序列: 载体标签:载体抗性:备注:产品目录号:稳定性:组成型:病毒/非病毒:
EMD Biosciences(Novagen) pET32c, pet 32c 大肠杆菌蛋白表达 高 多克隆位点,限制性内切酶 5901bp T7 5-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG-3 thioredoxin (N端); His (中间和C端) Ampicillin Production of soluble, active target proteins; N-term thrombin cleavage site;
Nterm enterokinase cleavage site; a,b,c vary by MCS69017-3 瞬时表达 Transient 组成型 Constitutive 非病毒 pET32c载体质粒图谱和多克隆位点信息
The pET-32 series is designed for cloning and high-level expression of peptide sequences fused with the 109aa Trx•Tag™ thioredoxin protein (1). Cloning sites are available for producing fusion proteins also containing cleavable His•Tag® and S•Tag™ sequences for detection and purification. Unique sites are shown on the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circle map. The cloning/expression region of the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase is shown below. The f1 origin is oriented so that infection with helper phage will produce virions containing single-stranded DNA that corresponds to the coding strand. Therefore, single-stranded sequencing should be performed using the T7 terminator primer (Cat. No. 69337-3).
LOCUS pET-32c(+) 5901 bp DNA circular 11-SEP-2008
COMMENT This file is created by Vector NTI
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
promoter complement(765..781)
misc_signal complement(367..693)
protein_bind complement(328..345)
misc_feature complement(250..294)
protein_bind complement(140..157)
terminator complement(26..72)
CDS 1172..2251
rep_origin complement(3685..3685)
CDS complement(4446..5303)
rep_origin complement(5435..5890)
CDS complement(738..762)
protein_bind complement(301..318)
protein_bind complement(220..234)
BASE COUNT 1392 a 1565 c 1559 g 1385 t
1 atccggatat agttcctcct ttcagcaaaa aacccctcaa gacccgttta gaggccccaa
61 ggggttatgc tagttattgc tcagcggtgg cagcagccaa ctcagcttcc tttcgggctt
121 tgttagcagc cggatctcag tggtggtggt ggtggtgctc gagtgcggcc gcaagcttgt
181 cgacggagct cgaattcgga tccacagata tcccatggcc ttgtcgtcgt cgtcggtacc
241 cagatctggg ctgtccatgt gctggcgttc gaatttagca gcagcggttt ctttcatacc
301 agaaccgcgt ggcaccagac cagaagaatg atgatgatga tggtgcatat ggccagaacc
361 agaaccggcc aggttagcgt cgaggaactc tttcaactga cctttagaca gtgcacccac
421 tttggttgcc gccacttcac cgtttttgaa cagcagcaga gtcgggatac cacggatgcc
481 atatttcggc gcagtgccag ggttttgatc gatgttcagt tttgcaacgg tcagtttgcc
541 ctgatattcg tcagcgattt catccagaat cggggcgatc attttgcacg gaccgcacca
601 ctctgcccag aaatcgacga ggatcgcccc gtccgctttg agtacatccg tgtcaaaact
661 gtcgtcagtc aggtgaataa ttttatcgct catatgtata tctccttctt aaagttaaac
721 aaaattattt ctagagggga attgttatcc gctcacaatt cccctatagt gagtcgtatt
781 aatttcgcgg gatcgagatc gatctcgatc ctctacgccg gacgcatcgt ggccggcatc
841 accggcgcca caggtgcggt tgctggcgcc tatatcgccg acatcaccga tggggaagat
901 cgggctcgcc acttcgggct catgagcgct tgtttcggcg tgggtatggt ggcaggcccc
961 gtggccgggg gactgttggg cgccatctcc ttgcatgcac cattccttgc ggcggcggtg
1021 ctcaacggcc tcaacctact actgggctgc ttcctaatgc aggagtcgca taagggagag
1081 cgtcgagatc ccggacacca tcgaatggcg caaaaccttt cgcggtatgg catgatagcg
1141 cccggaagag agtcaattca gggtggtgaa tgtgaaacca gtaacgttat acgatgtcgc
1201 agagtatgcc ggtgtctctt atcagaccgt ttcccgcgtg gtgaaccagg ccagccacgt
1261 ttctgcgaaa acgcgggaaa aagtggaagc ggcgatggcg gagctgaatt acattcccaa
1321 ccgcgtggca caacaactgg cgggcaaaca gtcgttgctg attggcgttg ccacctccag
1381 tctggccctg cacgcgccgt cgcaaattgt cgcggcgatt aaatctcgcg ccgatcaact
1441 gggtgccagc gtggtggtgt cgatggtaga acgaagcggc gtcgaagcct gtaaagcggc
1501 ggtgcacaat cttctcgcgc aacgcgtcag tgggctgatc attaactatc cgctggatga